June 4, 2012
Happy to report the mother is looking good and four babies have survived. [9/15 update…3 1/2 months later two babies have survived and are getting quite big…I’ll try to get a picture.}
I did not sleep well last night – anxious about my meeting with RAM’s curator, Kathryn, to present my proposal – “52”. I’ve decided on 52 because that number seems to be so intertwined with this project…52 weeks, 52 Trees, I was born in 52. There’s more but that gives you some idea of why I decided to go with 52.
June 2, 2012
Baby Muscovy’s haven’t been seen in a few days.
The pros and cons of walking everyday – you get to watch the babies grow but you also realize how many don’t make it. If you just came down on a Saturday and saw the Mama Muscovy and her three chicks you would ooh and aah and not know 10 of them died.
My lake is looking good, the big lake…Lake Evans… especially the 52 tree section. The boathouse lake is awful. I wish Ralph Nunez could find a supervisor that LOVES the park and has incredible pride in keeping it clean. I understand budgets, lack of staff, apathy of court crews, wind and animals pulling trash out of cans and chronic litterers but with caring supervision the trash issue could be managed way better. I want this job! 
June 1, 2012
Turning point – HOPE SO! Doug has set up a meeting with Kathy Poindexter for Monday. I’m excited – I feel positive, might just be me being naive regarding the art world.